TE - Articles

Key Drivers of Growth Acceleration in the Commercial Drone Market

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PAGE 8 PAGE 8 KEY DRIVERS OF GROWTH ACCELERATION IN THE COMMERCIAL DRONE MARKET / TREND PAPER Key Drivers of Growth Acceleration in the Commercial Drone Market frequency signal losses. Machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions can be used to manage large amounts of information and data collection from millions of data points, which is important for drones designed for more complex applications. Flight Certified and High Altitude Solutions For safety and security reasons, commercial drones must comply with numerous restrictions set by government agencies. Designing drones with these restrictions in mind will not only influence the success of the product, it will also help accelerate growth in the market. Because commercial UAS avionics must meet DO-254 standards, drone manufacturers must select components with extensive service history, necessary for certification. For aviation manufacturers, this means selecting vendors that can provide the necessary documentation and guidance for DO-254 certification. viii Components must also be immune to configuration neutron single event upsets (SEUs). Neutron flux increases with altitude and can cause device malfunction and failure. Designs need to be resistant to such radiation-induced SEUs to maintain high performance and functionality at altitudes. Safety Features Ergonomic features are becoming more and more critical for worker safety and efficiency on the assembly line—increasing reliability, work productivity and decreasing the risk of mating errors. Low insertion force connectors reduce the mechanical force necessary to mate or un-mate the connector. Fully insulated terminals and tubing options help prevent shock hazards, and glow wire caps, plug housings and headers can be used in applications that require meeting high safety standards. Drone Subsystem Design Considerations When talking about UAS components and overall design, it's helpful to break the UAS down into four subsystems: Aircraft: The first subsystem is the actual aircraft—the airframe, the platform (rotary, fixed or hybrid), the inertial navigation system, motors, propellers, receiver and processor. The most common metallic materials to manufacture aircraft are alloys like aluminum and titanium, whereas nonmetallic materials include transparent and reinforced plastic. Multicopters have multiple brushless motors equal to the number of propellers, so a quadcopter would have four motors, for example. The electronic speed controller manages the power supplied to motor per command. The drones are able to fly in a particular direction and adjust their elevation by taking inputs from the inertial measurement unit (IMU). Ground Control Station: The typical ground station consists of a wireless router along with a computer to capture, process and display data. This is the remote controller that communicates wirelessly with the drone. Data Link: The data link is the communication channel between the aircraft sensors and ground control station. A wireless link, such as an IEEE 802.11 link, is used to enable communication between the aircraft's central data unit and the ground control station. For this purpose, routers equipped with omnidirectional antennas with high gain can be used to minimize path loss and make the signal-to-noise ratio higher. Payload: This subsystem includes the accessories or payload relevant to the applications for which commercial drones are used, such as photogrammetry, cinematography, field mapping, digital elevation models, monitoring and surveillance. Examples include: UAV-compatible cameras such as multispectral cameras, thermal cameras, hyperspectral cameras, digital cameras and film imaging units. Typically, cameras weighing less than 12 pounds are preferred for first-person view (FPV) applications, and a 12-megapixel camera is the minimum required for agriculture applications. While cameras tend to be the most common payload, commercial drone payloads can also include cargo, infrared sensors, radar or lidar, electro-optical systems and more. Humidity, temperature and pressure sensors can be used for weather drones. Cameras and/or loudspeakers may be used on public safety drones. Pesticide sprayers may be used on agricultural drones. Drone delivering packages inside large facility. Subsystems of Commercial Drones.

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