TE - White Papers

Automotive Connector Strategies and Solutions for Space Saving

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Automotive Connector Strategies and Solutions for Space Saving Page 3 TE AUTOMOTIVE /// White Paper | Automotive Connector Strategies and Solutions for Space Savings ABSTRACT Automotive manufacturers have been building more electronic content into vehicles with powertrain electrification and increasingly sophisticated driver assist systems accelerating that trend. As a result, many sensor-driven control units with multiple printed circuit boards now have kilometers of new cabling and an exponential number of new connections all of which compete for space in dense car architectures. At the same time there is a growing trend towards light-weight components for greater fuel-efficiency and more environmentally friendly cars. Manufacturers therefore need to find smarter electronic solutions that save space and reduce weight. Industry manufacturers are widely adopting miniaturized connectors inside vehicles, as wire sizes and packaging space within control units have been reduced. In some cases, so-called "black-box" compo- nents have included non-automotive miniaturized connectors. Their lack of robustness for automotive harsh environments have led to quality problems in a few modules and in certain cases component failures. Automotive OEMs need to ensure that the sub-system modules they source are fitted with connectors that are truly automotive-grade – designed to comply with specifications and validation requirements such as LV214 (Europe) and USCAR2 (USA). In this paper, we examine how manufacturers can achieve strategic space saving goals by using min- iaturized connectors that provide true automotive-grade robustness. Specifically, we examine two of TE Connectivity's miniaturized interconnection platforms for automotive applications; NanoMQS and MCON 0.50 interconnection systems – examining how they meet industry specifications, provide key technical advantages, and enable space saving of up to 50 percent. We also consider other factors con- tributing to the robustness of miniaturized components, such as small-wire crimp quality, and discuss how to address the increased risk of metallic whisker growth on high-density PCB pin connections. 1 | NEW ECUS MUST MEET MORE STRINGENT AUTOMOTIVE REQUIREMENTS Connected cars are transforming before our eyes. The industry is developing rapidly, with powertrain electrification and the development of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) that provide greater comfort and safety, and integrated vehicle-to-everything (V2X) connectivity that becomes ever more sophisticated and powerful. All of these new subsystems are enabled with hardware, sensors, and soft- ware. However, they must be physically integrated into the vehicle through a series of ECUs networked together or via new fully redundant computing system approaches. While autonomous vehicle functions are growing at a rapid pace, car architectures are space-constrained environments. Manufacturers are asking their partners for lighter and miniaturized components that free-up much-needed space for wire connections within an increasing number of electronic control units (ECUs). A typical luxury car contains up to 80 ECUs, each with increasing levels of complexity. Each ECU contains at least one printed circuit board (PCB) and a single header mounted on a PCB. An ECU can accommodate up to several hundred wire connections which in turn are contained within complex wire harness systems. In addition, existing applications are becoming more complex, introduc- ing more functions and ADAS in vehicles. As an example, new LED headlamp units can contain up to 60 circuits, 15 connectors, and 120 terminals. Automotive manufacturers experience technical challenges connecting all these ECUs or modules to the vehicle wiring system. They must ensure that they stay connected and functional, withstanding adverse conditions such as vibrations, fluid ingress, and extreme temperatures in the vehicle harness or different sub-system modules that could interrupt safe continuous operation.

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