TE - White Papers

Automotive Connector Strategies and Solutions for Space Saving

Issue link: https://te.mouser.com/i/1349209

Contents of this Issue


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Automotive Connector Strategies and Solutions for Space Saving Page 2 TE AUTOMOTIVE /// White Paper | Automotive Connector Strategies and Solutions for Space Savings CONTENTS Abstract 3 1 | New ECUs must meet more stringent automotive requirements 3 2 | How miniaturized interconnection platforms enable innovation 4 3 | Introducing TE solutions for miniaturized automotive connectivity 4 4 | An overview of NanoMQS terminals and connectors: Design and technical specifications 4 5 | Automotive-grade miniaturized terminals provide reliable ongoing performance 5 6 | NanoMQS polarized locking mechanism prevents incorrect insertion 6 7 | Two options for high-grade thermoplastic connector housings and headers 6 – Top latch (TL) version 6 – Side latch (SL) verison 6 8 | How NanoMQS terminals deliver up to 50% space reduction 7 9 | How the NanoMQS platform supports up to level four high vibration resistance 8 10 | Introducing MCON 0.50 contact system for extremely harsh automotive environments 8 – Dimensions and performance of NanoMQS and MCON 0.50 system 9 11 | The role of tooling in automatic handling 9 – Why are smaller wires harder to crimp? 9 – Application Tooling for small wires and miniaturized terminals 9 – How OCEAN Applicator 2.0 improves small wire crimping 10 12 | Anti-whisker Press-Fit pin plating 10 – Introducing LITESURF plating – an environmentally friendly anti-whisker plating for Press-Fit 11 13 | Why partner with TE? 12 – Co-create with us to drive connectivity innovation 12 – Taking a strategic approach to designing automotive space savings solutions 12 – Optimizing a global end-to-end value chain 12

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