TE - White Papers

The Road to Autonomous Driving

Issue link: https://te.mouser.com/i/1349158

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Page 6 of 16

The Road to Autonomous Driving Transforming Vision into Reality Page 7 TE AUTOMOTIVE /// Trend Paper | The Road to Autonomous Driving Reliability Reliable sensing and data trans- mission under all conditions, especially in harsh environments, is mandatory. The solution is highly robust automotive-grade connectivity systems which are the least likely to fail even after thousands and thousands of hours of operation. Manufac- turers should team with a com- petent and experienced partner that develops complete system solutions using a holistic system design approach. The approach should encompass mechanical and electrical system design, aligned process engineering and automation solutions, and new manufac- turing procedures. Safety Data integrity within functional safety applications is a mandatory requirement for autonomous driving: Human lives depend on it. For this reason, it is vital that manufacturers ensure safe data transport on the physical layer level and the highest possible protection against corrupted information in electromagnetic noisy environments. This requirement means systems platforms need to be scalable and modular and offer EMI-immune solutions. This includes interchangeable shielded as well as unshielded options or optical for low-EMI risk or EMI immune solutions. Design The trend to build smaller sensors and actuators and the sheer number of links connected to centralized high-performance computers or domain clusters will demand automotive-grade miniaturized and highly integrated connectivity solutions. Platforms should be scalable and modular and offer the possibility of customizing components to OEM demands. The platform should support hybrid solutions with high and low speed data or power delivery ports in an unshielded or shielded variant according to every water protection classification requirement. Figure 3: Six connectivity requirements of autonomous driving

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