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Home Energy Storage: Next Generation Opportunities in Smart Homes

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TREND PAPER / HOME ENERGY STORAGE: NEXT GENERATION OPPORTUNITIES IN SMART HOMES Home Energy Storage Next generation opportunities in Smart Homes 3 Global Trends Impacting Home Energy Storage Extensive research conducted in conjunction with Euromonitor, a provider of strategic market research reporting, has identified five major global trends that are re-defining energy consumption and the related needs for energy management and storage. Below is a look at those trends and their underlying themes. 1. Population Change 1 : For centuries, people have migrated around the world and today is no exception. Facilitated by technology and changing views on how best to live, people are moving to new places and living in new ways, shifting the impact on energy choices, usage and storage. The result is that energy systems now need to become more specialized and efficient to more adequately address consumers' specific lifestyle needs. Key drivers and issues related to population change include: • Moving from urban to rural areas 2 : Consumers, especially in the US, UK, and Japan, are leaving urban centers to seek rural sanctuaries. Among the major reasons cited for this change are the desire to live in less stressful environments, the ability to take advantage of more flexible working schedules, and the availability of government incentives in select markets. In addition, consumers who choose non-urban living are typically looking to gain more living space and enjoy outdoor recreational activities. This migration away from cities to pursue new lifestyle choices also requires investments in more modernized energy infrastructures to support daily living. • Rise in e-bikes and e-scooters 3 : Over the last few years, there has been a rise in the use of micro-ability vehicles – a trend only exacerbated by the pandemic in deterring consumers from utilizing public transit. As consumers look for new forms of localized transportation, sustainable options in the form of e-bikes and e-scooters have become popular. Although primarily used in more urban areas, consumers are now buying these vehicles for use beyond city centers. This heightened demand is serving to drive the need for more diverse in-public and in-home energy supplies. 69% of global consumers indicated they wanted to simplify their lives in 2022 11% is the expected CAGR for the global electric bike market between 2022-2030 "Our Rural Future" Ireland's rural development policy encourages remote workers to establish communities in more rural areas, where the government intends to build internet access and remote work infrastructure. Graphic source: Rise in e-bikes and e-scooters 3 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Number of systems US Growth in Dockless Bikeshare and E-scooter systems E-scoo ter system Doc kless bikeshare system

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