TE - White Papers

Thermal Modeling for High Power Charging (HPC) of Electric Vehicles

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TE Connectivity White Paper /// Thermal Modeling for High Power Charging (HPC) of Electric Vehicles Page 3 Thermal Modeling for High Power Charging (HPC) of Electric Vehicles 1. The Electromobility Framework Powertrain electrification serves to reduce vehicles' consumption of fossil fuels despite a worldwide in- crease in the demand for mobility. It is the only way to meet the ever more stringent limits on greenhouse gas (CO 2 ) emissions both in the me- dium and long term. In order to drive greater consum- er acceptance of electromobility, a few remaining obstacles need to be overcome. Price levels and range limitations are only gradually begin- ning to lose importance. The bat- tery cost per kWh is declining while battery capacity supporting range is increasing. At the same time, sub- stantial investment in the charging infrastructure is being made which also enables longer journeys. Long distance in electric vehi- cles (EVs) will be enabled by fast charging with direct current (DC) and a future charging power of 350 kW which is classified as High Power DC Charging (HPC DC). By comparison, most EVs are cur- rently equipped for charging with alternating current (AC) and 2.3 kW power (single-phase supply) or up to 22 kW (three-phase AC). Some pre- mium cars offer the ability to charge with up to 150 kW DC and use (slow) AC charging as a fallback option if no DC charging station is available. However, for many drivers, range anxiety remains a psychological con- cern and a barrier to EV purchase. 2. The Importance of HPC Until recently, greater attention was dedicated to the driving side of elec- tromobility rather than the issue of charging. This can be attributed to a lack of maturity in the business mod- els of the two industry segments Introduction Powertrain electrification, automation and increasing auto- nomy and the emergence of new mobility business models are the three dominant worldwide trends that are shaping the transformation to the next generation of mobility. These trends will have a profound impact on the electrical power and electronic architectures (E/E architecture) of future vehicles. The next generation of vehicles will generate, process and communicate much more data than current vehicles. Wireless networking via mobile technologies (e.g. 5G, V2X) enables communication with other vehicles or with the surrounding infrastructure and also makes software updates over-the-air (OTA) possible. At the same time, high current power will be transmitted within electrified cars. Already today's electric cars have in excess 120 kW of engine power. The high-power levels required for this performance produce strong electromagnetic fields which require protec- tion of nearby signal lines and electronic components against interference and malfunction (high data rates of up to 20 Gbit vs. high power). Put simply, the physical layer will play a key role as the backbone of future vehicle functionality and in particular its reliability. It means low voltage data connectivity networks and high voltage (HV) drive systems must work ultra-reliably and safely in parallel. TE Connectivity (TE) in its role as an expert on interconnection technology, switching and sensors con- tributes technological innovations for the signal and power transmission in future vehicles.

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