TE - White Papers

Connectivity for Electric Vehicle Charging, Energy Storage, and Controlled Power Management

Issue link: https://te.mouser.com/i/1450779

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TE AUTOMOTIVE /// TREND PAPER /// Electrifying a Movement Page 3 degree of control comes a high degree of integrated electronics solutions – minimizing size (and weight) while maximizing design flexibility for our customers. New EV architectures need a single component that combines sensing, intelligent data processing and communication, and robust connection all in one robust package. These architectures need actuators (electronically-controlla- ble switches) that can be used to switch various loads, controlling and minimizing energy waste. They also need high speed data connectivity, both wired and wireless, enabling vehicle-vehicle and vehicle-infrastructure com- munications and intelligent vehicle control. BEV harsh environment where failure is not an option. The operating environment of an electric vehicle is or- ders of magnitude more harsh than that of a cell phone or laptop computer. Rain, snow, desert sun, arctic cold, rough roads can not stop a vehicle. High voltage switching can cause electromagnetic interference (EMI), disrupting communications and signals on low voltage circuits. A phone or laptop computer failure is a terrible inconve- nience. A vehicle failure can mean serious injury or even death. Phones are never subjected to the harsh environ- mental nor electromagnetic stresses that an electric ve- hicle sees each and every day. Electric vehicle architectures and basic operating princi- ples are closer to airplanes, energy grids, and consumer electronic devices than they are to ICE vehicle approach- es. It's critical that the auto industry leverage across multi- ple industries to bring new automotive-focused solutions for their customers. Material scientists and contact physicists need to push physical boundaries to bring viable, robust solutions to the fast-growing EV market. Automotive testing will be pushed to physical and safety-critical limits usually re- served for aerospace and industrial applications. TE CONNECTIVITY AS THE PARTNER OF CHOICE TE Connectivity is "all in" when it comes to vehicle elec- trification and enabling the success of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV's). Our team of engineers and scientists engage closely with our customers to ensure their success by providing robust solutions tailored to their specific needs and vehicle architecture. We accomplish this by leveraging three key strengths of TE: • We leverage our depth and breadth across the compa- ny. We have a strong portfolio of connectors, contac- tors, sensors, and wireless solutions that serve multiple industries. We leverage our global footprint, to ensure we design where our customers design. We invest extensively in upfront R&D, looking to solve industry challenges before they become problems. Our engi- neers and scientists are actively engaged in various standards committees and industry consortia. We have an extensive network of test and validation laboratories worldwide, to ensure we can support our customers how they want to be supported. • We leverage our physical connectivity expertise. We are a component supplier that invests in system knowl- edge, enabling us to speak our customer's technical language. We have developed thermal modeling tools, allowing us to work with our customers and address system-level issues to optimize component design. Our application tooling team ensures that our connectivity components align with our customers' manufacturing methodology. We have power management experience and know-how across many industries, with the abili- ty to bring that capability to the automotive market. We leverage our miniaturization know-how from the semiconductor and consumer electronics colleagues, and the high power knowledge from our Aerospace and Energy Industry colleagues. TE's team of scientists and contact physicists have been leading the world in connectivity technology solution development. • We leverage our electronics architecture and func- tional integration expertise. We work with our cus- tomers, providing application support, to optimize their systems by providing the pieces to the puzzle for opti- mized integrated component solutions. In many cases

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