TE - Articles

Five Barriers Drones Will Need to Clear for Commercial Success

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PAGE 2 FIVE BARRIERS DRONES WILL NEED TO CLEAR FOR COMMERCIAL SUCCESS TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// FIVE BARRIERS DRONES WILL NEED TO CLEAR FOR COMMERCIAL SUCCESS There's a catch, though: in order to reach its projected level of impact, the commercial drone industry not only will need to meet evolving government regulations across the globe, it'll need to meet the exacting specifications required of businesses that are poised to benefit the most from the technology, too. And sensors of all types will play an outsized role in helping drone manufacturers and the industries they serve get the optimized drones needed to drive commercial impact. From Altimeter to temperature and humidity, the average commercial drone will have a minimum of 10 sensors on board. Inside this report, we'll explore the role sensors will play in helping commercial drones meet their real-world potential in those areas. • Safety • Contact Avoidance • Consistent Airspeed • Localized Weather Reporting • Steadying Capabilities BARRIER 1: SAFETY While it's unknown what additional regulations or guidance the FAA and international agencies like the European Aerospace Safety Agency, will impose on commercial drones, it's clear that regulators are largely concerned with overall safety. In the US, for instance, the current regulatory framework requires that a pilot only operate one drone at a time, within his or her line of sight; operations are also limited to daytime hours. The regulations also restrict the weight of drones, the speed they can

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