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Five Barriers Drones Will Need to Clear for Commercial Success

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PAGE 4 FIVE BARRIERS DRONES WILL NEED TO CLEAR FOR COMMERCIAL SUCCESS TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// FIVE BARRIERS DRONES WILL NEED TO CLEAR FOR COMMERCIAL SUCCESS That level of precision requires a skilled pilot, but it also requires constant and refined feedback on airspeed. Differential pressure sensors deliver this feedback by measuring the speed of a drone throughout its flight and its changing conditions. What's more, drones used for crop spraying can have their tanks outfitted with liquid level sensors, so that farmers or operators know how much spray they have left and can plan accordingly. BARRIER 4: LOCALIZED WEATHER REPORTING When outfitted with humidity sensors, drones have the ability to accurately report on microclimates. The data drones can provide in this context can bring a new level of application capabilities for commercial operators. For example, adding humidity sensors can make drones incredibly useful in severe weather conditions, such as combating forest fires. Humidity levels play a crucial role in how forest fires become fueled, and those levels can vary wildly in short distances. Those microclimates, then, are critical to a combat strategy. When firefighting agencies can send drones in to take those kinds of measurements, they're better equipped to make the right and most safe decisions. Second, drones with humidity sensors provide farmers a unique advantage when it comes to creating more efficient and effective agricultural plans. In fact, drones, in conjunction with other technologies, are being used to drive changes across the industry to create an emerging practice in agriculture known as smart farming. Smart farming is the practice of combining information technology and agriculture, a response driven by the United Nation's Food & Agriculture Organization's 2009 report that agriculture production will need to increase 70% by 2050 to meet the world's projected population growth. To meet that type of production increase, farmers will need to drastically increase yield. So, they're turning to technology to do that.

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