TE - White Papers

Analog and Digital Transducers — the Advantages of Both

Issue link: https://te.mouser.com/i/1351243

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WHITE PAPER PAGE 3 TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// WHITE PAPER Analog and Digital Transducers — the Advantages of Both 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 OUTPUT VOLTAGE (volts) APPLIED PRESSURE (psi) P/N M3264-000005-100PG Analog Transfer Function DIGITAL — OUTPUT IN THE 1'S AND O'S OF COMPUTER LANGUAGE In the digital version of the transducer, a digital signal-processing core manipulates the data where various compensations and corrections are applied. This processed digital data is then stored in registers to be transmitted to the system later. The most common digital communication protocol used by sensors and transducers is Inter- Integrated Circuit (IIC or I 2 C). This communication technique is designed so a transducer doesn't take a pressure reading or report it until the system master controller sends a request for the data. Because the need for pressure data is intermittent, the sensor can go to "sleep" (a very low power mode) between requests for data. This helps conserve system energy, an important capability in both battery powered and wireless applications. Almost all of TE's digital sensor products take a temperature reading at the sensor. This temperature information is important to have. It is used to compensate the pressure signal to provide greater accuracy. The transducer digitizes the temperature data in order to apply it during compensation, and stores the data in a register that can be accessed along with the pressure data. The result is the availability of two sensor readings from a single transducer. The digital data is stored and transmitted in hexadecimal format for efficiency, but for clarity the data sheet and graphs use decimal format (counts) to illustrate the data. Many of the TE transducers, including the M3200, measure the ambient temperature using the Wheatstone bridge circuit elements. This measurement technique provides the most accurate data for compensating the pressure reading. It also provides a good indication of the temperature of the media applying the pressure to the transducer.

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