TE - White Papers

The Importance of Pressure Sensors in HVACR Systems

Issue link: https://te.mouser.com/i/1351240

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WHITE PAPER PAGE 2 TE PRESSURE SENSORS /// WHITE PAPER The Importance of Pressure Sensors in HVACR Systems Sensors have played a big role in improving the efficiency of these systems by monitoring various parts of the system and confirming that all parts are functioning properly. In fact, an ever-increasing number of sensors are being installed in these systems to monitor the process and maintain accuracy. Reliability has become absolutely key to providing precise and consistent data. The most common sensing types in HVACR systems include temperature and pressure along with a strong push toward using humidity sensors as well as gas and other sensing technologies. So, what happens when these sensors aren't reliable or robust enough? Systems can fail causing thousands of dollars in damages for the most serious cases. More often, sensor failures result in loss of system efficiency, erratic operation, and uneven environmental controls in the building or home. In some cases, the system provides inadequate cooling or heating and causes comfort issues with personnel, resulting in poor productivity and equipment issues. In a worst-case scenario, when temperatures are critical for computer equipment, food preservation or for medicine, drug or organ maintenance, system issues can contribute to expensive equipment failure or even the loss of life. In addition, service calls to diagnose and repair the issues can be very expensive and time consuming. In this paper, we will concentrate our discussion on pressure sensors and, specifically, on the needs of heavy-duty pressure sensors and how TE addresses the challenges faced in this market.

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