TE - Articles

Five Questions to Ask Yourself When Measuring over 50 G

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FIVE QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF WHEN MEASURING OVER 50 G TE CONNECTIVITY SENSORS /// FIVE QUESTIONS TO ASK YOURSELF WHEN MEASURING OVER 50 G When it comes to researching, developing, and testing products in harsh and complex environments, accelerometers can provide invaluable data. In some industries, however, there can be challenges to collecting that data—especially when measuring at a high g-force. And since an accelerometer's application is only as good as its accuracy, you'll want to consider what contributes to those challenges before making decisions on what accelerometers you'll use. When testing accelerometers In some collecting g-force. good to those accelerometers WE'LL ASK MEASURE WHAT IS THE EXPECTED YOU WILL BE MEASURING When using an accelerometer, you to give yourself enough of a margin ensure your test results are useable the measurement range does not the FS output of the accelerometer. INSIDE THIS REPORT, WE'LL EXAMINE FIVE QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK YOURSELF WHEN PLANNING TO MEASURE OVER 50 G: WHAT IS THE EXPECTED DYNAMIC RANGE YOU WILL BE MEASURING OR TESTING? WHAT IS THE MEASUREMENT BANDWIDTH? HOW WILL THE SENSOR BE MOUNTED DURING TESTING? WHAT CONDITIONS WILL YOU BE CONDUCTING YOUR TEST IN? WHAT MEASUREMENT PARAMETER (EG. ACCELERATION, VELOCITY, DISPLACEMENT) DO YOU NEED? 1 2 3 4 5

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