TE - White Papers

Car Connectivity Based On Automotive Ethernet

Issue link: https://te.mouser.com/i/1349122

Contents of this Issue


Page 12 of 13

Car Connectivity based on Automotive Ethernet MATEnet interconnection system provides bandwidth, flexibility and reliability Page 13 Car Connectivity based on Automotive Ethernet MATEnet interconnection system provides bandwidth, flexibility and reliability TE AUTOMOTIVE /// White Paper | Car Connectivity based on Automotive Ethernet 8 | GLOSSARY OF TERMS A2B = Automotive Audio BusĀ® (Analog Devices) ADAS = Advanced Driver Assistant Systems BEV = Battery Electric Vehicle ECU = Electronic Control Unit EMC = Electromagnetic Compatibility EMI = Electromagnetic Interference Gbps = Gigabit per second IoE = Internet of Everything LiDAR = Light Detection And Ranging (Laser) Mbps = Megabit per second OEM = Original Equipment Manufacturer (= car maker) PA = Polyamide PBT = Polybutylene Terephthalate PoDL = Power over Data Line SOTA = Software Over-The-Air STP = Shielded Twisted Pair TP = Twisted Pair UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pair V2X = Vehicle-to-Anything (connectivity)

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