TE - White Papers

Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility

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TE Connectivity Trend Paper /// Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility Page 9 Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility currently used in the charging infra- structure. However, in the vehicle, they would require additional temperature con- trol mechanisms and safeguards adding to complexity. Examples could include a water-cooled head- er or by applying water or oil-based coolants to a cable itself. In which case the connector is likely to be the entry point for such coolants and therefore will require modification of their design including the crimping process. TE is actively researching this type of thermal modelling for its power distribution portfolio in order to sup- port heat dissipation requirements for next-generation fast-charging capable architectures. In addition, TE is providing strong support to an industry-wide ZVEI (German Elec- trical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association) initiative VIII) to develop a harmonized simulation model. 4.2 Connectivity for Software-Driven Architectures Within the vehicle, the physical data connectivity layer will be required to transport ever greater data volumes. That will result in an increasing num- ber of high-speed data connections, integrating with a greater number of sensors for ADAS or automated driv- ing, such as high-resolution stereo and/or mono cameras, RADAR, and LIDAR; as well as future human-ma- chine interfaces (HMIs), such as large 4K/8K screens or head-up displays (HUDs). These sensors and interfaces, in turn, will be connected to powerful centralized computer platforms via high-speed data backbones to sup- port speeds in excess of 20 Gbps. Such platforms will host a wide array of software, such as software that provides image recognition of cars, buildings, and pedestrians to create a dynamic composite picture of the surrounding environment in which the car can autonomously navigate. They will likely rely on multiple con- nections of varying types: coaxial, differential, optical, general purpose signalling (e.g., MQS), and high-pow- er tabs. It is likely that these contacts would be integrated into a few larg- er modular connectors to minimize space consumption and installation time during the car manufacturing process. Furthermore, vehicles could contain modular electronic control units (ECUs) with a number of pro- cessing modules that are intercon- nected via a high-speed backplane to modular connectors. When designing the physical data transmission layer, automotive elec- trical engineers should consider the following key questions: • How to manage the transmis- sion of data from point-to-point without any delay that could compromise operations? • How do we ensure zero corrup- tion of the quality of data from camera, RADAR, and LIDAR to safely and securely deliver crit- ical information that prevents collisions and accidents? • How do we manage the influx of external data coming from multiple V2X (vehicle to ev- erything) communications and cloud-based infotainment appli- cations? The answers to these questions will be determined by such factors as link performance and reliability in terms of bandwidth, speed, and crucially, their electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) performance. Figure 5: TE End-to-End Power Distribution Portfolio VI)

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