TE - White Papers

Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility

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TE Connectivity Trend Paper /// Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility Page 6 Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility booking and customer management systems (CMS) that use data analyt- ics to understand and update pref- erences and deliver a personalized passenger experience. In addition, these booking and CMS systems will help FOCs position cars for maximal usability and throughput. This data will perform another vital role: enabling FOCs to perform re- mote diagnostics, preventive main- tenance, and updates—much of which will be performed via over- the-air (OTA) software updates. That is likely to mark a change in the design of vehicles to software-driven architectures, whereby software con- trolling the functional domains, and the data on which it is dependent increas- ingly takes precedence in the overall architectural design of the vehicle. Within vehicles, it will be essential for systems to be integrated across functional domain boundaries. The transformation of ADAS into in- creasingly autonomous functions will create increasing interdependence between systems whereby data gen- erated is combined to create a "ho- listic" picture. For example, today, a simple front mounted image capture sensor may trigger a warning light or activate the brake system. However, greater automation will require inter- activity with additional systems such as the accelerator/cruise control, steering as well as additional cam- eras around the car before it is able to execute automatically an evasive maneuver. A higher level of automation will in- crease system complexity, requiring that standard interfaces be clearly defined on a functional level. In cur- rent automotive architectures, data and information is "owned" by each system. For example, communica- tion between sensors (sensor fusion) and actuators is supported by mul- tiple proprietary electrical analog signals. Consequently, a number of OEMs are proposing a service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach that is based on fully redundant central computer platforms. The SOA would use an ultra-high- speed data backbone, supporting data speeds anticipated to exceed 20 Gbps at the top layer, and ser- vice-oriented digital interfaces at the sensor and actuator layer. This ap- proach would effectively decouple in-vehicle hardware and software. These interfaces would transport technology-agnostic "service" in- formation that is directly understood by the ECU (electronic control unit). (See Figure 3 below.) 3.2 Electric Powertrain Design When it comes to the design of elec- tric drive powertrains, the primary considerations are range, fuel con- sumption, the efficiency of the elec- tric systems and credible charging times. These factors will determine the comparability of electric vehicles with traditional ICE or even hybrid vehicles and their consumer accep- tance. From a design perspective, it means that consumers must be provided with a balance between battery size and charging technology which suits their driving profiles. For example, a typical European driver might drive a distance of over 500 kilometers ten times each year. That means that they will need to recharge their ve- hicles once during a long journey on ten occasions each year. Given that, today, most electric car owners are able to charge their ve- Figure 3: Service-Oriented Architecture Next-generation mobility will be driven by several trends: • Technologies that enable the deployment of MaaS business models • Environmental and demographic concerns • Consumer acceptance of fully autonomous, all-electric connected vehicles • A consumer shift from car ownership to mobility services

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