TE - White Papers

Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility

Issue link: https://te.mouser.com/i/1349092

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Page 13 of 14

TE Connectivity Trend Paper /// Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility Page 14 Connectivity for Next-Generation Mobility Footnotes I) Evolution to Revolution, Powertrain Revolution Trend Paper, TE Connectivity, 2017, concept of paper, https://www.te.com/usa-en/trends/iot/electric-vehicles-connected-transportation/powertrain.html II) Automotive Revolution – Perspective Towards 2030, McKinsey & Company, Report, page 11, January 2016, https://www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/industries/high%20tech/our%20insights/disruptive%20 trends%20that%20will%20transform%20the%20auto%20industry/auto%202030%20report%20jan%202016. ashx III) Olivier Garret, „10 Million Self-Driving Cars Will Hit The Road By 2020 – Here's How To Profit," Forbes, arti- cle, March 3, 2017, https://www.forbes.com/sites/oliviergarret/2017/03/03/10-million-self-driving-cars-will-hit-the-road-by- 2020-heres-how-to-profit/#38174747e508 IV) Lindsay Brooke, „U.S. DoT chooses SAE J3016 for vehicle-autonomy policy guidance," Article, September 20, 2016, Society of Automotive Engineers, http://articles.sae.org/15021/ In 2014, the Society of Automotive Engineers introduced a harmonized classification system (J3016) that defines six levels of autonomy once the driver decides to cede control. These levels range from Level 0, no automation, to Level 5, full automation. For more information, see TE's white paper, The Road to Autono- mous Driving, 2018, page 5 http://www.te.com/content/dam/te-com/documents/automotive/global/TE-TP-Autonomous-Driving-0218- FINAL-EN.pdf. V) The Road to Autonomous Driving, Ibid. VI) "68% of the world population projected to live in urban areas by 2050, says UN," Press Release, May 16, 2018, United Nations, https://www.un.org/development/desa/en/news/population/2018-revision-of-world-urbanization-pros- pects.html. VII) Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) is a risk classification scheme defined by the ISO 26262 - Function- al Safety for Road Vehicles standard. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automotive_Safety_Integrity_Level VIII) German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association, https://www.zvei.org/en/association/about-us/ 1) Jupiter Research https://www.juniperresearch.com/press/press-releases/mobility-as-a-service-to-replace-2-3-billion-priva

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